
In the globalized business landscape, outsourcing has become a strategic necessity. However, managing outsourced teams presents unique challenges, primarily in maintaining control over projects to ensure quality and timeliness.

Recent research has focused on addressing these challenges, offering innovative solutions to enhance project control. The article highlights the latest findings by exploring how companies can revolutionize & manage development projects with software outsourcing companies.

Let's first understand what is Outsourcing software development and some challenges of Remote Team Project Management.

What does Remote Project Management mean?

A remote team comprises a group of professionals working together on a project from a remote location. A collaboration of this kind is known as Remote project management.

What are the different ways to hire remote developers?

While building a remote team there are few methods to hire remote developers who possess the specialized skillset.

  • Hiring freelance developers:

The companies can hire freelance remote developers using freelance project portals like Upwork, Fivver, Toptals, Guru & Behance.

  • Using IT Staff augmentation services:

This method of hiring remote developers, allows organizations to hire remote developers from around the globe. Staff augmentation is a cost-effective hiring process as it allows hiring remote developers from a larger pool.

  • Outsourcing Software Development services:

At times, organizations find it difficult to hire remote developers. If this situation occurs, they intend to outsource the development project. When the software development is outsourced it is termed as outsourcing software development services.

  • Job boards:

Job boards, it is a traditional hiring method, where organizations pass their job posters to attract candidates. This is one of the most costly methods of hiring remote developers for software development project management.

  • Social Media Postings:

To meet the need to hire developers with technical skills, companies leverage social media. Giant IT and software development companies post the requirements on social media platforms. The hiring process and candidate sourcing might become a little tough by using this method.

Finding it difficult to hire remote developers?

We at Acquaint Softtech can help you hire remote developers who have an agile approach to project management. If you are finding it hard to leverage IT staff augmentation to hire remote developers then we are your go-to partner.

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Background and Challenges of Remote Teams

Outsourcing is the practice of delegating the work of software development to an external software outsourcing company. Companies that cannot afford to outsource software development choose the option to hire remote developers through IT staff augmentation. Outsourcing has become integral to modern businesses as it allows the benefit of hiring remote developers across different geographies

It offers several benefits like cost savings, access to specialized skills, faster project deliverability, and increased efficiency. Despite being so beneficial, the method has its own set of disadvantages, let's understand them one by one.

Communication barriers:

This is one of the biggest challenges faced by companies when they hire remote developers. Hiring developers or an outsourced IT staff outsourced company that has efficient communication skills is important.

Communication plays an integral part in achieving effective project management. While hiring remote developers, companies should make sure they leverage the necessary communication tools to smoothen the interaction. Using tools like Slack, Skype, Google Meet and Zoom can be the best tools to smoothen the communication flow.

Cultural differences:

What if the remote team members aren't able to meet your cultural compatibility? You might not be able to achieve successful project deliverables. Finding an external tech talent that aligns with your culture can help you achieve successful software project management.

Before, finalizing the contract the organization needs to find a team that follows the same work culture and ethics. The processes and procedures should be as identical as possible for a smoother workflow.

Time zone differences:

The differences in time zones can lead to misunderstandings and delays int he project management. A lack of proper face-to-face virtual meetings can highly impact the productivity of the tech stack.

Tools to identify overlapping time can help set team meets for proper project management.

As businesses increasingly rely on outsourcing, finding effective ways to manage these challenges becomes paramount.

Now, let's understand what the research data about remote teams says, let's learn all of them one by one.

Research and Innovations in Remote Teams

Modern-day project management has witnessed growth in the adoption of outsourced distributed teams. Recent research has been pivotal in showcasing the advancements in technical innovations.

These advancements are not just technological but also methodological, offering comprehensive solutions for the unique challenges of outsourcing.

Let's understand them all.

Technological Advancements:

  • AI and Machine Learning:

A recent study of 2022 by PMI shows that AI integration in project management tools improved project success rates by up to 40%. These algorithms are now capable enough to predict the project risks by suggesting optimal resource allocations. AI algorithms can forecast project timelines with a 75% higher accuracy than traditional methods.

  • Advanced Project Management tools:

The use of project management software has been a go-to strategy. A survey of 500 MNCs indicated that companies using advanced management tools experienced a 35% reduction in project delays. This survey also showed a 25% increase in overall productivity.

Features like real-time collaboration, automated progress tracking, and integrated communication channels are central to these improvements.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):

VR and AR are emerging as powerful tools for enhancing collaboration. According to a tech trial, using VR for meetings improved involvement by 50% in comparison to regular video calls.

Now, let's dive deep and understand some methodological innovations in remote teams

Methodological Innovations:

  • Adapting Swift methods:

The traditional agile methods used in software development were effectively used for various outsourced projects. A report by Harvard Business Review showed companies that adopted this method saw a 60% improvement in project adaptability. It also stated an increase of 45% in client satisfaction.

  • Hybrid Project Management:

The method is a blend of traditional and Agile methodologies. Research by Stanford University showed that projects managed with a hybrid approach experienced a 30% higher success.

Now, let's understand some practical implications of remote teams.

What are the Practical implications of remote project management

  • Global IT Services:

By using AI-based project management, companies achieved 20% increase in project deliverability and a 15% decrease in cost.

  • Manufacturing Industry:

This industry showed a 25% improvement in product quality when they adopted a hybrid project management approach.

  • Creative Industries:

This industry has benefitted by using VR and AR technologies. An advertising source showed a 40% improvement in client approval rates after implementing VR for project presentations.

Now, let's understand when should organizations opt for working remotely.

When should you outsource any services?

After understanding a lot of things about how outsourcing can help ease up software development processes. Let's understand when should a company use outsourcing.

The six reasons that show why hiring IT outsourcing is a beneficial idea, let's brainstorm all of them one by one.

  • Cost saving:

When the organization wants to save costs incurred on buying a physical space or hiring expensive in-house teams.

  • Faster time to market:

Hiring an organization with experience in working towards faster delivery of projects is important. In software development, the timely delivery of projects matters the most.

  • Access to a wider talent:

When the company wants to hire developers with specialized skills from across the globe, they use IT outsourcing. Any company that looks to integrate its existing team with specialized IT professionals would also leverage IT outsourcing.

  • Handle heavy workload:

When a company finds it difficult to handle a complex workload, they tend to hire outsourcing companies. By, using IT outsourcing companies ensure the speedy deliverability of projects within the given work hours.

  • Focus on the core competency:

By leveraging IT outsourcing, companies tend to focus on the core tasks after outsourcing the development work.

  • Flexibility:

When organizations look to scale their team up and down by hiring developers temporarily they use IT outsourcing.

Trends of IT Outsourcing in 2024

Before wrapping up let's understand some of the latest trends of IT and Software Development outsourcing to watch out for in 2024.

  • Artificial Intelligence:

The first on the list is AI. The AI industry has achieved remarkable growth, making it a spearhead trend in 2024. The AI tools are helping to improve customer experience, optimize operations, and reduce costs. They also provide control of data and processes.

  • Internet of Things:

Next is IoT which stands for Internet of Things, there's no doubt it will gain a lot of significance in the year 2024.

This increased usage of IoT has connected everything to the internet. The amount of growth IoT brings is a sign that companies will outsource all the complex IoT developments.

  • Cloud Computing:

The third trend in the list is Cloud computing. Accessing other technologies like AI, RPA & ML has become possible with this trend.

Companies are finding it easier to collect, store, and use cloud-based resources & services because of cloud computing. The organizations will seek IT service providers like close engineers and developers who have expertise in cloud infrastructure.

The above three trends signify the growth, every organization would earn by hiring remote employees on hourly rates. Organizations should integrate their in-house team with remote developer teams for effective project management.

You can read in-depth about other IT outsourcing trends in 2024.

Wrapping Up!

Staying up-to-date with all the latest research & innovations is important to maintain control over any outsourced project. As this article highlights, technological advancements & methodologies offer promising solutions to the challenges of outsourcing. The future of project management in outsourced settings looks towards a more integrated, technology-driven approach, promising greater efficiency and success in collaborative approaches.